Thursday, April 10, 2014

the ultimate natural weight loss shake

the ultimate natural weight loss shake

and guess what its home made
and you can make your own its super easy and super healthy super natural
think of it as
what the hick i will try it any way what can i loss

1- green tea
it has been used as a medicine for thousands of years
lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer

lets talk benefits
1- Weight Loss. Green tea increases the metabolism wich makes you burn faster

2- Diabetes. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating

3- Heart Disease. Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels4- Esophageal Cancer. It can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer
5- Cholesterol. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood
6- Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
7- Tooth Decay. Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can
destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections
8- Blood Pressure. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure
9- Depression. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves
10- Skincare. Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging

Maintains Normal Blood Circulation.

 Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help you to improve blood flow

Improves absorption.

Ginger improves the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in your body

Cold and Flu Prevention.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu around the world

Combats Stomach Discomfort.

Ginger is perfect in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible stomach ache

Colon Cancer Prevention.

A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells

Reduce Pain and Inflammation.

Ginger contains some of the most potent anti inflammatory fighting substances known and it is a natural powerful painkiller

Fights Common Respiratory Problems.

we all are suffering from common respiratory diseases such as a cough some times

Ovarian Cancer Treatment.

Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells

Strengthens Immunity.

Ginger is the best in helping improve the immune system

Combats Morning Sickness

Ginger has demonstrated a success rate of 75 percent in curing morning sickness


High in Nutrients
cinnamon is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calciumE. Coli Fighter
Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E.coli bacteria

Brain Health
One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory

It has an anti clotting effect on the blood

Arthritis Relief
In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a spoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without any pain within one month

4- Cumin

increases Memory power

Cumin has been found to increase the memory of a person.  Cumin helps in maintaining acetylcholine in the brain which helps in retaining memory

Helps in Digestion

Cumin has been found to be very beneficial for digestion. Cumin seeds help in the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that aids in proper digestion and helps in absorption of the nutrients. Cumin aids in the secretion of bile acids

Skin Nourishment

Cumin is high in Vitamin-E which helps in keeping the skin healthy and young. Cumin also has anti microbial properties which helps skin from fungal and viral infections. Cumin paste can be applied on boils, pimples, eczema, psoriasis and various other skin related diseases for super healing

Reduces Stress and Insomnia

Cumin helps in inducing sleep. Cumin is a source of Vitamin–B which helps in improving sleep. Good digestion also helps in inducing sleep

inhibits Cancer Cells

Cumin is rich in antioxidants and various essential oils. They help in the secretion of anti-carcinogenic enzymes from the glands and helps in preventing the growth of cancer cells


1. Respiratory Benefits

2. Headaches

3. Stress

4. Hair and Skin

5. Asthma

6. Muscle Pain

7. Memory Problems

1. Digestive System
Mint leaves are healthy entrees. Why? Because mint condition capable of calming the stomach. The aroma of mint activates the saliva glands and the glands that produce digestive enzymes. As a result, our digestion become fluent. To get the properties of mint, pour warm water into the glass along with a few leaves of fresh mint. Take a few moments and enjoy mint tea to cope with stomach pain and indigestion.

2. Nausea and headaches
A refreshing mint scent is a powerful medicine to treat nausea. Smell the aroma of mint oil or fresh mint leaves so nausea is reduced. When applied topically, headaches will also be reduced.

3. Respiratory disorders
The aroma of fresh mint is very effective relief of respiratory congestion by opening up the nose, throat, and lungs. Mint can also help to overcome cough.

4. Asthma
The use of mint on a regular basis can help people with asthma because it can provide relaxation and help relieve breathing.

5. Skin care
Mint juice is great when used as a face mask. In addition to the skin, infections, rashes, and acne can also be resolved. Mint can also cope with mosquito bites.

6. Oral health
This is of course widely known benefits of mint leaves. Because the ability to override the germs and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, it's no wonder the mouth and breath we'll always fresh if routine use.

7. Cancer
According to recent research, some of the enzymes contained in the mint leaves can help fight cancer cells.

8. Relieves muscle pain
You can also take advantage of the warm mint to freshen up your leg muscles. The trick, mix 1 cup sea salt, 1/3 cup olive oil, and 6 drops of peppermint essential oil. Rub in the foot a few moments then rinse. Sea salt will remove dead skin cells while menthol flavors will relieve muscle pain.
- See more at:

how to mix

you will put 100 gram of every one
and mix them good and put them in jars or small bags
and use a little spoon on a cup and a half of water
you will boil a cup and a half of water with the mix
and then drink it with no sugar or a small amount of diet sugar
drink one cup 15 mins before every meal
and i guarantee you will be in shape and loss weight in no time
and will be super healthy

as you read this drinks will help you change your life to a healthy life
3-5 cups a day will make you loss weight fast get better skin, hair, body, mind, and many more
have fun have a better life

with WLM

weight loss motivation team

you were with
adam and katy
if you have questions ask me here in the blog and i will answer you

food program for the ultimate diet

what should i eat ? and when ?
more important what can`t i eat ?

let me answer you simply
burn more than you eat

so if you dont move much or workout hard
don`t eat so much

and if you do workout hard eat as much as you need of proteins to build muscils

now with our program

i can till you what to eat exactly but like any program you will feel like iam trying to lock you in a cage

iam gonna talk general

 first of all
you will eat 5 times a day
each time you will wait for 2-3 hours at least
break fast
when you wake up
and wait for 15 mins then eat

1 cup of milk or a piece of cheese (calcium + protein)
with 2 eggs (protein)
a small piece of bread

after 2-3 hours

and wait for 15 mins then eat

eat a fruit or 2

eat as much as u can of green salad
and a big amount of protine with no fat (chicken - meat - fish)
and for carps eat a little amount of rice or macaroni or bread
eat a fruit or any vegetables

and wait for 15 mins then eat

a small amount of cheese or 1 egg will do it
this spicific meal dont eat alot in it
spicialy if you are gonna sleep after it

be him guys

or her girls

1-stop eating fat or living in mac
2-dont eat alot and cry iam not losing weight
3-try to see how much did you loss weight by looking in a mirror or comparing photos of your self not by how much pounds did you loss
cuz some times you loss weight and get muscles

and welcome to weight loss motivation program

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

six pack abs dream - first step

guys who didn't dream having the six pack abs
i cant blame you its kind of super hot

weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

and girls if you think you don't need it
will. think again

weight loss motivation

it dosent mater how hard or how much exercise you try to build your six pack abs as long as you cover them with fat

so the first step is to loss weight
this is the right way believe me i tried

but while you are with me losing your weight
you can do some exercises to build some under your fat

this is some exercises to do to help build your six back abs while you loss weight

weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

Monday, April 7, 2014

what do you need to start the right weight loss prgram

1- to believe that you can be what you want
and you can have the body you want

2- personal trainer to help you get what you want
if you cant afford one iam here for free

3- workout program

4- the right diet and the right food program

5- the right weight loss shake

keep with us and you will get all of this here for free

Hiit High intensity interval training

what is hiit
(High intensity interval training)

Let me start by saying this is the best weight loss workout ever
Why ?

 becouse you will be burning fat for more than 6-8 hours after you finish the training
So its magic ?
No katy its science
You will workout fast to raise your heart beats rate to a specific rate which needs a lot of power to get the blood into your body 
This power will be taken by burning yor fat 
Like i told you your body store calories in form of fat to use it to get power

does the normal workout do the same ?
this is the diffrent between normal workout and hiit
like marathoer-normal and sprinter-HiiT

No it doesn't when you normally train for an hour you burn fat for this hour and another one after it
But with hiit 30 mins will make you burn for this 30 mins and 4 hours after
Got it?
Yes , but since this is the way i will loss all my weight in a week or two tops 

Not like that either it's not that easy it's hard exercise
And like i told you we will loss our weight step by step fast but not magically fast

I kind of hoped i lose it faster

It will be fast but again our goal is to make you hot not skinny
i want to make you hotter than the fitness models
Do we have a deal ?

I have a question
Can you teach me to defend my self too ?
If that what you like sure i can just let me get you into shape first

Back to hiit
For a start you will run in your place for 2 mins as fast as you can like super fast
Then 1 min in normal speed
Then repeat it 4-5 times

Then jumping jacks for 1 min super fast then 30 secs normal speed 
No rest
Every day in the morning for 20 min or more do this as fast as you can

Wow hard but worth it

Yes after 20-30 mins eat your break fast
The one i told you about in the diet plan

I suggest you take a shower in this break 
This is just the start until i make you a plan for work out

1- sit with straight back always
2- Try to suck your belly all the time and straighten your back it will help keep them like that
3- And last one imagine how would you look like when you finish

Thursday, April 3, 2014

best diet to loss weight fast

we tried alot of diets over the years to loss weight fast, some of them worked for some time and some didn't we suffered a lot seeing the kind of food we like and cant eat
the fast diet, loss 10 pounds in a week, and this kind of diets believe me its worth than it seems suffering from hunger and losing muscles weight not just fat and you find your self lost a few pounds and look like you came throw hell bad looking skin u will look like you are at least 5 to 10 years older and worth thing in this diet once you stop you regain weight even more than the weight you lost
follow us in weight loss motivation and see the results

katy: what can i do ?
its simple you stop believe in super fast diets
today i am offering you the best diet ever not super fast but not too slow either
the thing i like about it that you can eat what ever you like even sweets but its not magic so eat a few of this kind of food got it ?

you talk so much get to the diet part and how much it will coast me i got scammed enough

will its free you speedy girl i will give you plans for food , workout, weight loss shakes and how to keep it now to the diet part before you hit me with some thing its a mix from 10 years of useful diets like calories diet and others with the right shakes

the ultimate diet

weight loss motivation

the rules that you must follow
1st. you will eat 5 times aday instead of 3
are you kidding me ?

be patient you will eat few every time 3 main times and 2 in between
why ?
becouse when you eat just one time a day your body keeps the food in your body in form of fat to use it when you starve your self (smart fighter)
so we are gonna eat every 3 or 4 hours
to make it feel secured and dont keep fat in
2nd. you will drink at least 8 cups of water 2 every 3-4 hours minimum
why ?
shut up katy and let me finish water will make your skin look younger and it will help burn fats
and clean your body

3rd.the work out we will yous is hiit workout (high-intensity interval training workouts)

before you say why its the only way to burn fat for 8 hours after 30 mints fast wourkout
in another form you will loss weight while you are resting

4th.the super weight loss shake and guess what its home made i was shocked from its results i first found it on an arabic site for weight losing and health
say why one more time and i will spank you my naughty girl

ok i will give it a try i won't loss anything
good girl
now follow me

weight loss motivation

he did it why don`t you ? no one is better than you
believe in your self

Sunday, March 30, 2014

free weight loss motivation personal trainer

free weight loss motivation personal trainer

did u see the biggest loser, the show i mean every team had a  personal trainer and i think you too need one in your journey, to help you what to eat and what u don`t, when and how you train and exercises, and the most important part is to keep you motivated
i will be pushing you step by step to get the body you want
you want a slime body or just to lose some pounds, sure i will help you
but hold on a second
is this what you really want ?
u want to be not a fat person ? is that it
will let me till you a quick advice
now this is the different between
a( just lost some pounds ) and what i want to make you (which is hot )


weight loss motivation

and guys

weight loss motivation

wow so hot right ?
this is what we want to be and this is what i am gonna help you achieve
but before you say its hard or its impossible and start telling me excuses

think about what will you become

its not as hard as u think every one have a hot body under this pounds of fat
you just have to burn build and enjoy your new body

weight loss motivation

let me share my secrets and experience with you
wait for my full free program and lessons
but for now
i need you just to believe in your self

and believe you can be as hot as this

weight loss motivation

or can get a girlfriend that hot by being even hotter

weight loss motivation

enjoy your free weight loss motivation course