Thursday, April 3, 2014

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best diet to loss weight fast

we tried alot of diets over the years to loss weight fast, some of them worked for some time and some didn't we suffered a lot seeing the kind of food we like and cant eat
the fast diet, loss 10 pounds in a week, and this kind of diets believe me its worth than it seems suffering from hunger and losing muscles weight not just fat and you find your self lost a few pounds and look like you came throw hell bad looking skin u will look like you are at least 5 to 10 years older and worth thing in this diet once you stop you regain weight even more than the weight you lost
follow us in weight loss motivation and see the results

katy: what can i do ?
its simple you stop believe in super fast diets
today i am offering you the best diet ever not super fast but not too slow either
the thing i like about it that you can eat what ever you like even sweets but its not magic so eat a few of this kind of food got it ?

you talk so much get to the diet part and how much it will coast me i got scammed enough

will its free you speedy girl i will give you plans for food , workout, weight loss shakes and how to keep it now to the diet part before you hit me with some thing its a mix from 10 years of useful diets like calories diet and others with the right shakes

the ultimate diet

weight loss motivation

the rules that you must follow
1st. you will eat 5 times aday instead of 3
are you kidding me ?

be patient you will eat few every time 3 main times and 2 in between
why ?
becouse when you eat just one time a day your body keeps the food in your body in form of fat to use it when you starve your self (smart fighter)
so we are gonna eat every 3 or 4 hours
to make it feel secured and dont keep fat in
2nd. you will drink at least 8 cups of water 2 every 3-4 hours minimum
why ?
shut up katy and let me finish water will make your skin look younger and it will help burn fats
and clean your body

3rd.the work out we will yous is hiit workout (high-intensity interval training workouts)

before you say why its the only way to burn fat for 8 hours after 30 mints fast wourkout
in another form you will loss weight while you are resting

4th.the super weight loss shake and guess what its home made i was shocked from its results i first found it on an arabic site for weight losing and health
say why one more time and i will spank you my naughty girl

ok i will give it a try i won't loss anything
good girl
now follow me

weight loss motivation

he did it why don`t you ? no one is better than you
believe in your self


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