Monday, April 7, 2014

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Hiit High intensity interval training

what is hiit
(High intensity interval training)

Let me start by saying this is the best weight loss workout ever
Why ?

 becouse you will be burning fat for more than 6-8 hours after you finish the training
So its magic ?
No katy its science
You will workout fast to raise your heart beats rate to a specific rate which needs a lot of power to get the blood into your body 
This power will be taken by burning yor fat 
Like i told you your body store calories in form of fat to use it to get power

does the normal workout do the same ?
this is the diffrent between normal workout and hiit
like marathoer-normal and sprinter-HiiT

No it doesn't when you normally train for an hour you burn fat for this hour and another one after it
But with hiit 30 mins will make you burn for this 30 mins and 4 hours after
Got it?
Yes , but since this is the way i will loss all my weight in a week or two tops 

Not like that either it's not that easy it's hard exercise
And like i told you we will loss our weight step by step fast but not magically fast

I kind of hoped i lose it faster

It will be fast but again our goal is to make you hot not skinny
i want to make you hotter than the fitness models
Do we have a deal ?

I have a question
Can you teach me to defend my self too ?
If that what you like sure i can just let me get you into shape first

Back to hiit
For a start you will run in your place for 2 mins as fast as you can like super fast
Then 1 min in normal speed
Then repeat it 4-5 times

Then jumping jacks for 1 min super fast then 30 secs normal speed 
No rest
Every day in the morning for 20 min or more do this as fast as you can

Wow hard but worth it

Yes after 20-30 mins eat your break fast
The one i told you about in the diet plan

I suggest you take a shower in this break 
This is just the start until i make you a plan for work out

1- sit with straight back always
2- Try to suck your belly all the time and straighten your back it will help keep them like that
3- And last one imagine how would you look like when you finish


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